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Lithium Power International: Q1 2023 Unraveled – Enter the World of Lithium Pioneers

Full Control over Minera Salar Blanco: Unveiling Opportunities

Lithium Power International (LPI) recently divulged a plethora of activities within the lithium industry during Q1 2023, making waves in the sector.

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In December 2022, a turning point occurred: LPI secured complete ownership of the Maricunga lithium project by acquiring Chilean project company Minera Salar Blanco (MSB).

Throughout this quarter, LPI honed in on post-consolidation corporate matters, specifically the acquisition of Bearing Lithium. Consequently, associated companies vanished from the Canadian TXSV exchange.

Streamlining Maricunga Lithium Project Development

The new ownership structure empowers LPI to oversee Maricunga lithium project development more efficiently. This change streamlines decision-making, simplifies funding pathways, and mitigates risks, enabling LPI to attract capital from diverse providers for development leading up to the Final Investment Decision. MSB’s promotional and liaison activities in Chile during the quarter exemplify the potential for higher returns for shareholders.

Chile’s Lithium Policy: A Strategic Blueprint

Chile’s National Lithium Policy delineates future plans for lithium resource exploration, positioning the country as a lithium production global leader to meet escalating demand.

LPI and MSB have engaged in continuous discourse with the Chilean government and private institutions to develop the Lithium Policy.

Not Nationalization, but Active Participation

Contrary to popular belief, the policy doesn’t entail the nationalization of Chile’s lithium industry. Rather, it strives to establish conditions and parameters for the country to actively partake in and benefit financially from this strategic industry. Moreover, the policy aspires to expedite the development of new lithium projects within the nation.

Maricunga Project: A Trailblazer in the Lithium Industry

LPI’s Maricunga Stage One project serves as a prime exemplar, with social and community agreements as integral components of its environmental permit. This project is one of the few in Chile that has completed a comprehensive indigenous consultation process.

Setting the ESG Standard

The Maricunga project boasts far-reaching sustainable development initiatives, creating a high bar for its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) profile. LPI’s corporate vision aspires to transform the Maricunga Project into one of the world’s premier carbon-neutral lithium operations. Additionally, LPI is open to potential future public-private partnerships, as indicated by the Lithium Policy, to facilitate the development of the Maricunga project’s Stage Two.

The Lithium Policy’s release establishes a framework for the Chilean lithium industry’s future growth.

LPI envisions being acknowledged as Chile’s subsequent lithium producer as it advances the Maricunga Stage One project.

Greenbushes Lithium Exploration: Unearthing Potential

During the quarter, LPI completed a drilling program at its East Kirup lithium prospect, part of the Greenbushes Project in southwestern Australia.

The combined reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling program revealed lithium anomalism in the soil, with noteworthy results of up to 232 ppm lithium near GBRC001. Host rocks comprise metabasites, amphibolites, and granofels with coarse-grained garnet and amphibolite.

Drilling Program Results: A Promising Outlook

Ten holes were drilled, spanning a total of 573 meters, along existing tracks. All work adhered to stringent environmental and dieback hygiene protocols outlined in the Conservation Management Plan.

Both RC and diamond holes intercepted several 2-meter zones containing quartz pink, potassic feldspar biotite, and tourmaline within the overall gneiss and gran ofels package, signifying potential lithium pegmatites.

To define targets and seek approval for future drill pads and tracks in the State Forest, a detailed Ultra Fine soil sampling program was executed over the main area of the East Kirup Prospect. Utilizing a grid of 100m x 250m, 199 samples were collected. The analysis disclosed three areas of anomalism, including lithium, caesium, rubidium, and tin.

Anomalies in the eastern and northern regions suggest that mineralization extends eastward to the Thomas A prospect and further north. In February, a sampling program commenced in the Thomas A area to fully define the lithium anomalism, and assay results are eagerly awaited.

The drilling site remains accessible for supplementary surveys or re-entry as required, pending thin section petrography and the RC assay results.

Concluding Thoughts: LPI’s Rising Star

Lithium Power International is surging ahead in the lithium industry, particularly with its ownership of Minera Salar Blanco and the Maricunga lithium project development. The company’s commitment to sustainable practices and active collaboration with the Chilean government aligns with the country’s Lithium Policy, positioning LPI as a key player in Chile’s lithium sector.

Furthermore, LPI’s exploration endeavors in the Greenbushes Project underscore its dedication to expanding its lithium resource base. The positive results from the drilling program at the East Kirup prospect accentuate the potential for additional lithium discoveries in the region.

As LPI forges ahead, it aspires to deliver value to its shareholders and contribute to the global demand for lithium, playing a pivotal role in the clean energy transition and the future of sustainable power.

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