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The Science Behind the Meatball

In a groundbreaking move, Australian startup Vow Foods has introduced a never-before-seen meatball made from the DNA of the extinct woolly mammoth. This unique food is created by growing cells in a laboratory, which is a significant demonstration of the potential for meat production that does not require the slaughter of animals.
The mammoth meatball is a combination of sheep cells that have been modified with the mammoth gene called myoglobin, along with African elephant cells added to enhance the flavor. The process of creating this meatball is similar to that depicted in the popular movie, Jurassic Park. Vow’s Chief Scientific Officer James Ryall expressed his excitement at the company’s ability to bring this innovative creation to life.

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Making a Bold Statement

While the mammoth meatball has generated a lot of excitement, it is not intended for human consumption due to the potential risks associated with eating protein that has not been present for thousands of years. Rather, the main objective of this meatball is to raise awareness of the potential for meat grown in a lab instead of being sourced from slaughtered animals.
The launch of the meatball also aims to highlight the link between livestock production and climate change. Vow founder Tim Noakesmith stated that the company aims to generate excitement about the future of food, emphasizing the advantages of this new technology over traditional meat production.

Looking Forward

Vow Foods is currently experimenting with over 50 species, including crocodile, buffalo, and kangaroo. These meatballs are grown in a lab, making them a more environmentally sustainable option. Although the mammoth meatball is not yet edible, it represents a significant step forward in creating meat without requiring the slaughter of animals.


In conclusion, the introduction of the mammoth meatball by Vow Foods is a groundbreaking achievement in the world of food production. With this innovative creation, Vow Foods is demonstrating the potential for meat production that does not require animal slaughter, and it is raising awareness about the environmental impact of livestock production. As Vow Foods continues to experiment with various species, it is exciting to consider the possibilities of creating a more sustainable future for food production.

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Hi I'm Oliver Smith, I would say that I take great pride in my work as a journalist and strive to produce high-quality, impactful stories that make a difference. With more than eight years of experience under my belt, I am passionate about uncovering the truth and shining a light on issues that matter.


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