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As the inauguration of the Ulster University campus in Belfast got underway, US President Joe Biden delivered an awe-inspiring speech that celebrated the “dividends of peace” that Northern Ireland has enjoyed in recent years. He marvelled at the glass-fronted building, which was once an unlikely feat due to the severe unrest that plagued the city during his earlier visits in 1991. The Troubles of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s saw bomb explosions that left buildings in Belfast, including the Europa Hotel, Europe’s most bombed hotel, in shambles.


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Biden’s affirmation of the campus’s importance

During his speech, Mr Biden made sure to emphasize the Ulster University campus’s strategic location at the intersection that was once a bastion of conflict and bloodshed. He noted that the presence of a glass building in this region would have been unthinkable during his 1991 visit, as barbed wire was the order of the day. The President dubbed the campus a “cathedral of learning” and “a testament to the power and possibilities of peace.”

Biden’s tribute to the peace-makers and emphasis on peace

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement, President Biden took the opportunity to pay tribute to the peace-makers who were instrumental in ending the Troubles. He lauded the political leaders and the “determined efforts” of Senator George Mitchell, among others. The President also recognized the severity of the situation and the gravity of every life lost during the Troubles. He pointed out that every loss left an empty chair at the dining table, and the peace that now exists was not a foregone conclusion. The negotiations, which lasted 700 days and witnessed countless failures, eventually led to a single day of success. Despite the setbacks, people like Mitchell never lost faith in the possibility of peace.

Biden’s reassurance of American support

As a show of solidarity, Mr Biden assured the people of Belfast that the American people are firmly behind them, especially the youth. He acknowledged that peace is not a certainty but rather an outcome of unrelenting and determined efforts, and it is essential to preserve it at all costs.

Biden’s encouragement of the next generation

The President used his speech to emphasize the vital role that young people play in the creation and preservation of peace. He urged them to keep striving for unity and peace, knowing that their efforts would significantly shape the future of the region. Additionally, he called on leaders to prioritize peace and work towards creating a society that is fair and equitable for everyone.

Biden’s message to the world

As he concluded his speech, President Biden left a message of hope and inspiration for the world. He reiterated that peace is achievable, even under the most challenging circumstances, and it requires persistence and a deep-seated commitment to justice and equality. The President urged the world to look to the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement for inspiration and to work towards resolving conflicts and creating a more peaceful world for generations to come.

Overall, President Biden’s speech at the Ulster University inauguration was a moving tribute to the people of Northern Ireland and a reminder of the importance of peace. Through his words, he acknowledged the tremendous progress that has been made in the region and the continued work that is necessary to sustain it.

The President’s emphasis on the role of young people in the creation of a peaceful future was particularly powerful. He recognized that young people have a unique ability to effect change and encouraged them to take up the mantle of peace-building.

In conclusion, President Biden’s speech was a poignant reminder of the power of perseverance and the importance of working towards a peaceful future. His message of hope and inspiration was a call to action for leaders and individuals around the world to strive for justice, equality, and peace.

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