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In a scathing social media ad campaign, the Labour party is targeting Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s wife’s non-domiciled tax status. The campaign accuses the Conservative government of raising taxes an astounding 24 times since 2019, while refusing to shut down the non-dom tax loophole for foreign residents in the UK.

The ad poses a damning question: “Do you think it’s right to raise taxes for working people when your family benefited from a tax loophole? Rishi Sunak does.”

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This move by the Labour party comes in the run-up to May’s local elections, as Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer pushes his party to expose the failings of the Tory government. However, the ads have not been without controversy. The former Home Secretary, Lord David Blunkett, called for the ads to be withdrawn.

The Tory Retaliation: A War of Words

Responding to the Labour party’s accusations, the Tories hit back hard. A Tory source dismissed the ad campaign as “the height of hypocrisy from a party which has already made £90 billion of unfunded spending commitments and whose leader stands to benefit from a bespoke, tax-unregistered pension scheme unavailable to others.” The source further accused Sir Keir of only having a “plan to play politics on Twitter.”

Labour’s Counterpunch: Unfunded Spending or Promises for the People?

Undeterred by the Tory response, Labour is banking on the support of the people, promising to help more first-time buyers onto the housing ladder. The party’s pledge comes on the back of an analysis which showed first-time buyers facing a nearly £500-a-month increase in mortgage bills from January to December last year, owing to skyrocketing rates under Liz Truss’s government.

Labour’s attack ads against Rishi Sunak’s wife’s non-dom status are part of the party’s larger strategy to expose the Conservative government’s record on critical issues, such as the cost of living, criminal justice, and healthcare. While the Tories have criticized Labour for making unfunded spending commitments, the latter is hoping that its promise to help first-time buyers onto the housing ladder will pay dividends in the upcoming local elections.

Conclusion: Labour vs. The Tories

As the battle lines are drawn, Labour’s latest attack ad campaign against Rishi Sunak’s wife’s non-dom status promises to be a formidable weapon in the party’s arsenal. The Tories have accused Labour of making unfunded spending commitments and engaging in gutter politics. Still, Labour remains resolute in its determination to expose the Conservative government’s record on various issues and gain ground in the upcoming local elections. In the end, the people will have the final say.

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Hi I'm Oliver Smith, I would say that I take great pride in my work as a journalist and strive to produce high-quality, impactful stories that make a difference. With more than eight years of experience under my belt, I am passionate about uncovering the truth and shining a light on issues that matter.


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