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Unveiling of the Disconcerting Findings

The intricate and labyrinthine structure of crime data recording by Sussex Police has been deemed “inadequate,” stirring up a backlash of criticism from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabularies and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) in a report that has shaken the public’s trust. Over 20,000 crimes were unaccounted for in the past year due to non-recordation by officers, a revelation that has left the public with a lingering sense of unease.

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Additionally, the study found that the police’s response to the public was subpar, with over a quarter of calls to its non-emergency switchboard being abandoned between September and November of 2022. This lack of promptness by the force is alarming and disconcerting, leaving the public without a clear path for recourse or resolution.

Response from the Police and Crime Commissioner

Katy Bourne, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner, has declared the report as a “sobering” wake-up call and has demanded swift action to rectify the situation. Bourne called for immediate steps to improve recording processes and protocols, identify gaps in training for officers and staff, and develop specific training programs. She emphasized that the goal of these measures is to ensure the delivery of the best possible policing service to the residents of Sussex and to restore the public’s confidence in the police.

Bourne confirmed that she had already discussed many of these concerns with the Chief Constable and was aware of the extensive work already underway to bring about improvements. Nonetheless, much more needs to be done, and the progress will be closely monitored in the coming months.

Response from the Inspector of Constabulary

Roy Wilsher, His Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary, expressed his deep concern over the current state of affairs at Sussex Police. He firmly believes that the force needs to urgently improve in the areas that were highlighted by the report.

Wilsher called on the force to take a closer look at how initial calls are assessed, in order to ensure that vulnerable people and repeat callers are consistently identified. He commended the Chief Constable and the police and crime commissioner for their swift response to the report and the measures taken to address the concerns highlighted. However, he stressed that it is imperative to continue the ongoing efforts to rectify the situation, and he will continue to monitor the force’s progress closely in the coming months.

The Way Forward

The findings of the HMICFRS report have highlighted the critical need for the force to reassess and revamp its recording processes, protocols, and training programs. The force must also focus on improving its response to the public, particularly in the area of call handling.

The public deserves to have confidence in their local police force, and the force must work tirelessly to regain this trust. The steps taken by the police and crime commissioner and the Chief Constable to address the report’s findings are commendable, but there is still much work to be done.

The police force must continue to strive for excellence and be held accountable for its actions. This report serves as a wake-up call to the police force and reminds them of their duty to protect and serve their community with the utmost professionalism and integrity.


The HMICFRS report has revealed significant deficiencies in Sussex Police’s crime data recording and response to the public. The force must take swift action to address these concerns and regain the public’s confidence.

The steps taken by the police and crime commissioner and the Chief Constable are a positive start, but continued effort and improvement are necessary. The public deserves a police force that is committed to providing the best possible service, and Sussex Police must work tirelessly to meet this expectation.

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