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Following the resignation of Colin Beattie, SNP MP Stuart McDonald has been appointed as the new treasurer for the party. Beattie, who served as treasurer for the party from 2004 to 2020 and again since 2021, stepped down after being arrested and later released without charge, pending further investigations into the party’s finances. The police inquiry is related to the use of more than £600,000 of donations earmarked for an independence referendum.


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Former Lawyer Stuart McDonald Takes Over as SNP Treasurer

The SNP’s national executive committee (NEC) has confirmed the appointment of Stuart McDonald, a former lawyer and SNP MP for Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch, as the new treasurer for the party. McDonald has held several positions within the party at Westminster, including serving as the party’s justice and immigration spokesman. He has expressed his desire to work with new party leader Humza Yousaf to improve the SNP’s governance and transparency.

Auditors to be Appointed by New SNP Treasurer

One of the main tasks of the new treasurer will be to appoint auditors after accountants Johnston Carmichael, who had worked with the party for over a decade, resigned in September. The party’s accounts are due to be filed to the Electoral Commission in July.

Colin Beattie Resigns from Treasurer Position

Colin Beattie has resigned from the position of treasurer after being arrested and released without charge, pending further investigation into the party’s finances. He has also quit his role on Holyrood’s public audit committee until the police conclude their investigation. Beattie has promised to fully cooperate with the police inquiry.

Scottish Opposition Parties Criticize SNP

Opposition parties in Scotland have criticized the SNP over the ongoing police investigation and the party’s handling of the situation. Scottish Labour’s deputy leader, Jackie Baillie, has accused the party of failing to suspend senior figures involved in the police investigation and of maintaining a culture of cover-up and secrecy. Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy has called on McDonald to clarify the party’s financial situation and to improve transparency.

SNP Aims to Regain Public Trust

In the wake of the police investigation, the SNP has been working to regain the public’s trust. The party has pledged to improve its governance and transparency and has appointed Stuart McDonald as the new treasurer in an effort to achieve this goal. The party has stated that it will cooperate fully with the police inquiry and will keep its members and supporters informed of any developments.

It remains to be seen how the police investigation will unfold and what impact it will have on the SNP. Nevertheless, the appointment of Stuart McDonald as the new treasurer is considered a step towards improving the party’s financial governance and transparency.

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