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A Shocking Discovery: Malicious Messages in Secret Group

In a disquieting revelation, two Metropolitan Police officers were discharged over contemptuous messages exchanged with colleagues via a WhatsApp group, ridiculing Katie Price’s disabled son. Price insisted that all eight officers involved in the vile messages, shared within the enigmatic “Secret Squirrel S***” group, be dismissed. The eight officers were deemed guilty of heinous misconduct due to their discriminatory and offensive messages, including those mocking Price’s disabled son.

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Lifetime Banishment and Dismissal

Two officers, Pc Glynn Rees and Officer B (anonymously designated), found themselves expelled by the disciplinary panel at Palestra House in Southwark, central London, after a grueling six-day hearing. All officers face a lifelong ban from police services. Former sergeant Luke Thomas, acting sergeant Luke Allen, and former constables Kelsey Buchan, Lee South, Darren Jenner, and Carlo Francisco also received lifetime bans. The force disclosed that Thomas, Allen, Buchan, South, and Jenner resigned after the messages were discovered, while Francisco was discharged in July 2022 for unrelated discreditable conduct.

A Glimpse into the Disturbing Messages

Between May 17, 2016, and June 26, 2018, officers exchanged messages filled with sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and disablism. The messages contained derogatory remarks about Mr. Price, who has Prader-Willi syndrome and autism, and a junior female officer referred to as Officer A. Legal chair Christopher McKay highlighted the “significant harm” these messages inflicted on the Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) already sullied reputation, as well as the distress caused to Katie and Harvey Price. McKay stated that the revealed attitudes had damaged the reputation of MPS as a fair and impartial body.

Met Officials: Remorse and Denunciation

London Mayor Sadiq Khan expressed disgust at the messages, while Commander Jon Savell of Professionalism described the event as “another painful day” for the Met. Savell apologized on behalf of the Met to Price and her son, condemning the officers’ repugnant behavior. He emphasized the Commissioner’s commitment to eradicating such offensive attitudes from the Met, acknowledging that public trust and confidence rely on the restoration of integrity and professionalism.


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Hello, my name is Alexander Holmes. I take great pride in my profession as a journalist and do my best to create top quality impactful stories that bring positive change to the world. With over a decade of experience, I am committed to uncovering the truth and raising awareness of important things.


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