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WOW, you won’t believe what Ford just did in the UK! The American car manufacturer has released its mind-blowing autonomous driving technology, BlueCruise, and it’s set to change the game! Can you believe it? This “hands-off, eyes-on” driver-assistance technology will handle acceleration, braking, lane positioning, and steering – it’s like having your own personal driver! But wait, there’s more! You’ll still need to keep your eyes on the road at all times – no sleeping or checking your phone, guys!

And get this, the BlueCruise technology uses not one, not two, but FIVE radars to detect and track the speed and position of other vehicles on the road. Plus, there’s a forward-facing camera that detects lane markings and speed signs, and an infrared driver-facing camera located below the instrument cluster to check your eye gaze and head pose – even if you’re wearing sunglasses! Mind-blowing, right?

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But hold on to your hats, folks, because there’s even more to come! BlueCruise will only work on pre-mapped motorways of around 2,300 miles, designated as “Blue Zones,” in England, Scotland, and Wales. It’s available for the 2023 models of Ford’s all-electric Mustang Mach-E SUV, which has a maximum speed of 80 mph. This cutting-edge technology is comparable to Tesla’s Autocar and General Motors’ Super Cruise offerings – but you already knew that, didn’t you?

Now for the catch – BlueCruise is a subscription-based technology that costs £17.99 per month after a 90-day trial. And the 2023 all-electric Mustang Mach-E SUV has a full retail price of £50,750. It might seem like a lot now, but just wait until everyone’s driving self-driving cars!

What’s more, the UK government predicts that 40% of new cars in the country could have such capabilities by 2035. And in August 2022, the UK government announced that a broader rollout of self-driving vehicles could be expected by 2025. So get ready, folks, because the future is here, and it’s autonomous!

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Hello, my name is Alexander Holmes. I take great pride in my profession as a journalist and do my best to create top quality impactful stories that bring positive change to the world. With over a decade of experience, I am committed to uncovering the truth and raising awareness of important things.


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