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In a bid to address the issue of air pollution, the Brighton Green Party has launched its manifesto ahead of the upcoming local elections. The party’s main goal is to create the UK’s first-ever majority Green council. One of the party’s key commitments is to extend the city’s ultra-low emissions zone (ULEZ) and create a London-style low-emissions zone that charges drivers of polluting vehicles to enter the city centre. The details of the charging scheme have not yet been determined, but the party also intends to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety.


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Green Party Priorities: From Sustainable Homes to Waste Management

Aside from the expansion of the ULEZ, the Green Party’s manifesto outlines several other priorities. The party plans to construct 800 sustainable council homes by 2028, with a focus on energy efficiency and low-carbon heating. In terms of waste management, the party aims to introduce food waste collection and weekly recycling collections to improve recycling rates. Additionally, the party plans to redevelop the King Alfred Sports Centre and support tourism and regeneration schemes for key tourist destinations in the city.

Manifesto Launch: “Vote Green for Action”

The manifesto was launched at the Green Party’s headquarters in Brighton, with the party urging voters to “vote Green for action.” Phelim Mac Cafferty, the party’s leader, highlighted the challenges facing the city, including the pandemic and the cost of living crisis. He also emphasized the need to make tough decisions to keep the city moving forward. Councillor Hannah Allbrooke, the deputy council leader, stated that the low-emissions zone could potentially be expanded into a London-style zone, which would result in drivers being charged when entering the zone.

May Local Elections: A Chance to Decide the City’s Future

On May 4, Brighton residents will elect the city’s 54 councillors for the next four years. The Green Party, Labour, and the Conservatives are the three main parties represented on the council.

Green Party Aims for Majority Control: First of Its Kind in the UK

The Green Party hopes to achieve a majority on the council, which would be the first of its kind in the UK. The party has been making progress in recent years, currently holding 19 council seats. The council’s current makeup is Labour with 20 councillors, the Conservatives with 13 councillors, and two independents.

Other Party Manifestos: Labour and Conservatives

The Green Party’s manifesto launch follows those of the other main parties. Labour has pledged to create a “better Brighton and Hove for all,” while the Conservatives are offering voters “ten good reasons” to back the party in May.

Conclusion: Green Party’s Vision for a Cleaner, Sustainable Future

Overall, the Brighton Green Party’s manifesto centers around tackling air pollution, constructing sustainable homes, improving recycling and waste management, and supporting regeneration schemes. The party’s primary aim is to achieve a majority on the council and create a low-emissions zone in the city centre. As May 4 approaches, Brighton residents will have the chance to decide which party will represent them on the council for the next four years.

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