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A noteworthy occurrence has transpired in the maritime milieu, wherein a Filipino fisherman by the name of Edison Lacaste has passed away due to a fatal accident while working on the FV Copious LK985. The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) have initiated a thorough inquiry into the matter, in the form of a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI).

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The FAI Process

The FAI process is an inquisitorial procedure that seeks to identify the cause of the demise, the circumstances in which it occurred, and what preventative measures could have been implemented to minimize the probability of similar incidents transpiring in the future. It is dissimilar from criminal proceedings in the sense that the purpose of the inquiry is to establish facts rather than to attribute fault.

The Area of Emphasis

The investigation will specifically scrutinize the utilization of restraining straps on lifejackets and the legislation pertaining to them. This focus will provide the necessary insight into the functionality and adequacy of lifejackets and their restraining mechanisms.

Further Details

The coastguard received a Mayday call from the vessel at 3:20am on February 18, 2021, reporting the incident while the ship was trawling in the Shetland area during inclement weather. The vessel was situated around 30 nautical miles south-east of Sumburgh, Shetland. Mr. Lacaste was retrieved from the water and expeditiously transported to Gilbert Bain Hospital in Lerwick by a Lerwick RNLI lifeboat and a coastguard helicopter. However, his death was subsequently confirmed by the police.

The Preliminary Hearing

A preliminary hearing is set to take place on May 19, 2023, at Lerwick Sheriff Court. This hearing will establish the necessary framework and procedures to conduct a thorough and extensive inquiry.

Communication with Family Members

Procurator Fiscal Katrina Parkes, who is in charge of death investigations for COPFS, has assured that the family of Mr. Lacaste will be informed of significant developments throughout the course of the inquiry. This will ensure that the family is kept informed and updated on the progress of the case.

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Hi I'm Oliver Smith, I would say that I take great pride in my work as a journalist and strive to produce high-quality, impactful stories that make a difference. With more than eight years of experience under my belt, I am passionate about uncovering the truth and shining a light on issues that matter.


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